Thursday 19 January 2012

My year is full...maybe next year?

Is overwhelmtion a word..?
Ah well. It is now.
Just so you know, this year has:
-the starting of a new school. Nerve-wracking. Having to make new real friends and not just have imaginary ones.
-NaNoWriMo: the second attempt. Hopefully I'll at least beat last year's flimsy attempy.
I got to 1110 words.
-ScriptFrenzy. That'll be fun, I've always meant to write a script.
-FAWM. I must write an album in a month for my non-existant fans.
-Story-a-Day-in-May. Pretty self-explanatory.
-Camp NaNoWriMo
-ComicMonth: draw a comic every day in October.
-gain some popularity on the interweb world. Have some friends on there. Followers. Soldiers I can call to arms. you shall be...My army.
No that sounds creepy. Scrap that. SCRAP!

I should go now that I feel awkward talking.
See you once I've recovered.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Don't know why, the name makes me want to sing.
So, basically you write a short story evety day in May.
I'll try and post them on here :)

My year is so busy.